Julie lifted my spirits by taking me all over Berlin. Here we are at a portion of the Berlin wall. Thanks for the tour, Jules!
Today, however, we headed on over to Regents Park (where I alternated between wearing sunglasses and donning my rain jacket at about 5- to 10-minute intervals), and then we flew kites on Primrose Hill, which had a fantastic view of London. Michele's Tinkerbell kite flew so well, that a few of us took turns just keeping the reel in their back pockets. I had it when a particularly strong gust of wind sent it flying out of my pocket, but I managed to rescue it after it got tangled in a tree. (Enter hero music here. Wish I had a video of me tugging on the string when it was in the tree.)
A bunch of views from Regent's Park:

Primrose Hill shots:

Me and my junk with a view of London.

Megan winding the string on her kite. So pretty.
We later walked by St. John's Wood and over by Abbey Road, where we all tried to re-enact the Beatles' album cover. I think some of my roommates have better shots. Original? Definitely not, but a must-do nonetheless.

If I would have just slowed down just a bit, it would have looked a lot better - even though none of us are in step or anything. But there's so much pressure because drivers hate it when people do this.
Tonight, we're off to see Billy Elliott, which I hear is fantastic. Guess I'll just have to wait and see! Auf wiedersehen!
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